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IN THE NEWS: Vessel buildup grows at West Coast ports, echoing Covid chaos

loaded cargo ship stuck in the bay echoing covid chaos

June 3, 2023
Lori Ann LaRocco

FROM THE ARTICLE: The number of vessels due to dock at the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach is increasing as labor slowdowns at West Coast port terminals have impacted supply chain operations, from trucks to rails and ocean carriers.

On Wednesday, six vessels were delayed at the Port of Los Angeles, while two vessels at the Port of Long Beach were at anchor on arrival — unable to interface with the port operations, according to a vessel update announced by the Marine Exchange of Southern California Vessel Traffic Service, Los Angeles and Long Beach.

Data from MarineTraffic shows that vessel problems are shifting from isolated to more pervasive. Over the past 2½ months, average wait times at anchorage in LA were between a half-day to 1½ days, with service time averaging of two to five days.

Read the full article here.

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